sábado, 20 de março de 2010

the secrets of the pyramids I ( mesmo)


They were built more than 2500 years and endure to this day. Surrounded in mystery, arouse the interest of historians, archaeologists and scholars of ancient civilizations. How many survived the centuries? What secrets kept inside them? What exercised religious function in society?

Knowing the pyramids

The religion of Ancient Egypt was polytheistic, because the Egyptians believed in many gods. They also believed in life after death and thus preserve the body and belongings to the other life was a concern. But only the pharaohs and some priests were able to create economic systems to preserve the body through the process of mummification.

The pyramid was a function shelter and protect the pharaoh's mummified body and his belongings (jewelry, personal effects and other material goods) the looters of graves. Therefore, these buildings had to be quite resistant, protected and inaccessible. The engineers, who should keep the secrets of building the pyramids, planning pitfalls and false hits in the constructions. It was thought that the mummified body of Pharaoh and his belongings were not accessed.

The pyramids were built at a time when the pharaohs exerted maximum political, social and economic development in Ancient Egypt. The bigger the pyramid, the greater its power and glory. Therefore, the pharaohs were concerned about the magnitude of these constructions. With labor-slave labor, often thousands, they were built with stone blocks that weigh as much as two tons. To be finalized, lingered, often more than 20 years. Thus, still alive, the Pharaoh began to plan and execute the construction of the pyramid.

The math was very involved in the construction of the pyramids. Knowing this science, the architects planned the buildings in order to obtain the maximum possible perfection. The stones were cut and fit perfectly. Its four sides were designed and constructed in a symmetrical manner, factors that explain the preservation of them until today.

By finding the pyramids, many of them intact, archaeologists came across a lot of information of ancient Egypt. They have hieroglyphic inscriptions, telling the life of Pharaoh or bringing prayers to the gods knew of the deeds performed by the ruler.